B.S Old Fashioned


The first use of the name “Old Fashioned” for a bourbon whiskey cocktail dates back to 1881. The recipe was said to have been invented by a bar tender in honour of Colonel James E Pepper a prominent bourbon distiller, who brought it to a bar in New York City. Variation are endless, try ours!

Taste Chart

Step 1_ Prepare Sugar Syrup-20.png

This is Boston Shaker Bars twist on an Old Fashioned recipe. As far as taste is concerned, this whiskey favourite sits right at the cross road of being Sweet & Boozy dry.

dry | sweet | nutty | smokey

Make a B.S Old Fashioned

Like to know how to make the perfect B.S Old Fashioned cocktail?

In this short video, I share with you the recipe & knowhow, on how you can make it at home, as good as the bar tenders do here at Boston Shaker Bar…. ‘ENJOY!’

Cheers, Livi

How-to-make Boston’s cocktails

Different spelling of whisky & whiskey

Is it Whiskey or Whisky, and what’s the difference?’

Believe it or not, there are 2 different ways to spell whisk(e)y & legitimate reasons why. In this short video I give you an explanation, on why & the differences between them both.

Cocktail Shaking Classes

Whether you've organising a Hens Night, Staff Party, or maybe even a Corporate Team Building function, our new Cocktail Shaking Classes could be just the fun you're looking for! A great coupe of entertaining hours spent getting together with your best friends or colleagues, mixing cocktails & dressing up in true 1920's inspired Art deco style!